Amazing, your letter writing is great therapy. Keep it up, I've been there. I have no regrets and qualms. What shall be, shall be.
Guest 77
part 17: the watchtower strikes back .
spy vs spy in the following part 18 i will tie up the loose ends ... but to give you an advance tip, i had three inside informants keeping tabs on what was going on.
we were becoming more open about our new life, and we knew the elders were likewise watching our every step.
Amazing, your letter writing is great therapy. Keep it up, I've been there. I have no regrets and qualms. What shall be, shall be.
Guest 77
please distribute freely.. silentlambs.
usa today.
2-13-02. page 14a .
You hit the nail on the head! You have given many points for the org. to consider, but, will they? They have given more attention to people from the WTC incident than all their members put together! That thought alone speaks volumes. When it comes to us personally were ignored,any observable comments on our part for the lack of personal concerns,we are labeled troublemakers/'apostates.'
Guest 77
Guest 77
i'm sure someone has already posted this, but i've been away so mea culpa just in case.
boston police recieved an anonymous package that contained the names of priests involved in sex abuse claims.
i was pondering whether or not the eventual result for the jws will be the same.
There is a local newspaper in Hogansburg NY that have pictures of the pedophiles on the front page!
Guest 77
the other day an elder expressed concern for the "growing number of apostates on the world wide web" and said "apostates are "demonized"!.
choose the definition the elder most likely intended to imply:.
Just to be on the safe side, I'm going to take ALL THREE!
Guest 77
i was thinking about what is was like growing up as a jw in the 40's and 50's.
some things were easier, some were harder.. easier.
AH, the good old days. Young folks cannot even begin to imagine what they were like. EVERYTHING WAS DIFFERENT. How can people of today who have everything at their fingertips relate to the 40's & 50's? I would be willing to listen to anyway who never lived in that era relate to that time period. All I can say is, keep dreaming.
I use to go to movies for 8 cents! Yes, I saw TWO feature films, TWO cartoons, a news reel and coming attractions.
Finding and picking pennies was a thrill in those days because I could buy 2 small bags of chips for a penny. Gasoline was 12 cents a gallon.
In the middle fifities I remember taking my present wife on a date with $5.00. Listen to this, I paid for the bus fare, we went to a movie and then had a dinner and still had change left over! Holding hands was thrill in those days. This is just a SMALL sample of what I did in the forties and fifties. Only the older ones will relate to my story. The rest can only dream about it, while we lived it! I have no regrets about that era. Though I may have been called a communist while doing street work, it was EXCITING. It was an exciting period.
Guest 77
this year i have learned so much and what i keep being taught repeatedly through experience this time instead of what someone tells me, is that much of what the society taught us about the world and many of the things in it is pure nonsence!.
i'm just giving one example for now even though there are many.. my son who is in elementary school has over a period of time expressed a desire to do something extracurricular.. oh the shame!!!.
now out of all the different things out there we chose karate.. jws frown on this because its a form of self defence, a competitive sport and they have labeled it and all martial arts in fact as demonized.. he is learning shotokan karate.he loves it and not one demon or demonized thing has happened so far and never will.. in fact i like what they are teaching my son.. this saying is on the wall of the school or dojo,.
Ranchette., I took Judo in the late sixties. What caught me interest was, it's a clean sport. You are penalize for executing improper throws. It instills respect for your opponet. It also instills confidence and great for stretch exercises. To this day I do certain exercises which keeps me supple for my golf game.
I do recommend it.
Guest 77
hi folks,.
it appears that the tides are turning upon the wts.
judging by recent child abuse cases, un scandal and blood doctrine change that the wts is being exposed and that the rest of the world is taking note.
You reap what you sow. How clearer can you get?
Guest 77
sorry i can't be at the apostfest.
i really wanted to go, but i'm not only working but as you can see from my other thread, i am avoiding all pubs, beer, smoke and anything which may cause me to start smoking again.
(sorry - i don't mean you guys are all smoking piss heads) - i just think a weekend away from my high intensity self control would not be good.
Ah, you've gone BALLISTIC! Just kidding. Yes, we need to stay in control. All the best in your efforts.
Guest 77
it nice to be entertained by a good tv programme or film.but there is some terrible rubbish produced also.. but nothing can prepare a person for the atrocity that is the convention drama!.
it would first be hyped up by the chair man at the begining of the assembley as a highlight to be looked forward to.often it was a high- light for very different reasons.. first of all you need to know that in britian they use the american duved vioces in the drama.. now theres nothing wrong with american voices , i'm sure you all sound lovley , but this is britian we do not have american accents.. we do not use all of the same words.
and unfortunatly this is american acting at its worst.. the result is an embarassing soap opera style dialogue that at my local convetion was heared all over the city centre , as our assembly was in a open air sports stadium right in the middle of town.. yes i can hear it in my head now the corny voices of moses , pharoh , jesabel.i can see the arms of the actors waving franticly in the air the gross over gesturing and parading of the cast.. and the names "randy , do-you-not-know gawd (hands in the air)hates.
The Dramas are a drama in itself.
Guest 77
while reading the abortion thread on this site today, i was reminded of a college class i took on dealing with ethical and moral issues.
i learned something interesting in this class and it was that just because we have strong beliefs about something, it doesn't give us any rights to impose our beliefs on others.. this is of course the "christian" demand that their beliefs should be the standard by which we all live our lives.
this intolerance, or in milder cases disgust for nonconformers, is in itself one of the huge moral issues we face.. essentially, regardless of things being right or wrong, our world defines societal norms by community standards.
If faith can move mountains what about water? How about getting on the shoulder of Jesus, isn't he a miracle worker?
Guest 77